Wednesday, 2 September 2015

This new Sony phone is the first with a 4K display

It’s even better than the iPhone 6.

Get ready for even sharper images when using Sony’s  SNE 2.37%  recently unveiled new Xperia Premium smartphones.
The phone will be the first to have a 5.5-inch 4K display, according to The Verge. It’s likely to be released in November.
The pixel density on the upcoming Xperia Z5 Premium will be 806 ppi. Compare that to Apple’s  AAPL 4.03%  5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus, which has just 401 ppi, according to the publication.
The phone will be available in chrome, black, and gold, too, for a luxury feel.
But there are some potential issues with the greatly enhanced screens. One is a lack of footage that actually makes the most of the boosted specs. As The Verge notes:
Sony promises that the Z5 Premium will upscale videos and images to 4K, but upscaling is usually not as good as the real thing. (We didn’t get a chance to try out Sony’s method.) There’s also the issue of battery. Although Sony promises that the Z5 Premium will last up to two days on a single charge just like the Z5 and Z5 Compact, it’s not clear how this figure will hold up to any sustained video use on a 4K display.
The phone is, notably, heavier than the iPhone 6 Plus: It’s 180 grams versus 172 grams for the bigger iPhone.
This post is appeared on: Fortune
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