Sunday 27 December 2015

Android training in chennai


Android App Development Course

JAVA Basics

  • Introduction to Java
  • Java Programming Structure
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Inheritance & Packages

Android Fundamentals

  • History of Android
  • Introduction to Android OS
  • What is Android?
  • Android Versioning
  • Android Development Tools
  • Android Architecture
  • Practical Installation of Android SDK, Eclipse and ADT Plug-in
  • Structure of a Android Project
  • OOPS Concepts

Android Advanced Concepts

  • Introduction to android components / Building Blocks
  • Activities
  • Services
  • Content providers
  • Broadcast receivers

Activity Life cycle

  • Understanding the Life cycle methods
  • Working example of life cycle
  • Application development (Hello world)
  • Understanding DDMS
  • DDMS and log results

User Interface

  • Button and CheckBox
  • Progress Bar and SeekBar
  • TextView and EditText
  • Dialogs
  • Notifications
  • Views(GridView, ListView, ImageView)

Working with Layouts techniques

  • What is layout in Android ?
  • Linear Layout
  • Relative Layout
  • Table Layout
  • Frame Layout

Intents understanding

  • Implicit intents
  • Explicit Intent
  • Switch between activities using Explicit Intent
  • Data transferring between activities using Intents
  • Role of intent Filters
  • Intent Filters in your manifest

Data Storage & Permissions

  • Content providers , preferences
  • SQLite – Database Usage
  • Data storage using the preferences
  • Updating the Data using the preference
  • Database Operations
  • Permission Systems
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