Tuesday 17 November 2015

PHP course in chennai

PHP / MySQL Course overview
PHP is used for creating real time internet applications with the use of databases like MySQL in order to work with several extensions that are available for developing various applications. PHP is the foundation on which different CMS frameworks like WordPress, Magento and Joomla are built; so, a good knowledge in PHP is mandatory in order to learn the CMS frameworks.
Introduction to Web Development
What is Web Development?
Difference between Web Designing and Web Development
The Programming languages used for Web Development
Introduction of PHP
What is PHP?
The history of PHP
Installation overview
Server Overview(Wamp/Xampp)
Exploring Data Types
Variables and Data types
String Functions
Index Array
Associative Array
Multi-dimentional Array
Array Functions
String To Array/Array to String Conversion
Control Structures - Logical Expressions
If statement
If else statement
Switch statement
Control Structures - Loop conditions
While loops
For loop
Continue and Break
PHP Functions
Include() and Require()
Array functions
Sorting functions
Date functions
Session and Cookies
Session start
Session destroy
PHP Forms and Form Data
Form Creation and Transfer data
Retrieving form values in another page
GET and POST methods
PHP File Concept
File creation and Write method
File Read and Upload
MySQL Basics
MySQL introduction
Creating a database
Creating a database table
Creating Database and tables
Retrieving data from MySQL
Working with retrieved data
Display records with PHP
Updating and deleting records with PHP
MySQL fetch Methods
PHP Join Queries
Introduction to Join query
Inner Join
Left Join
Right Join
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Introducing the concept and basics of OOP
Defining classes
Defining class methods
Defining class properties
Class and Objects
Constructor and Destructor
Access Specifiers
Abstract Class
More Details Click Here....
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