Tuesday 17 November 2015

Android training in chennai

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JAVA Basics
Introduction to Java
Java Programming Structure
Object Oriented Programming
Inheritance & Packages
Android Fundamentals
History of Android
Introduction to Android OS
What is Android?
Android Versioning
Android Development Tools
Android Architecture
Practical Installation of Android SDK, Eclipse and ADT Plug-in
Structure of a Android Project
OOPS Concepts
Android Advanced Concepts
Introduction to android components / Building Blocks
Content providers
Broadcast receivers
Activity Life cycle
Understanding the Life cycle methods
Working example of life cycle
Application development (Hello world)
Understanding DDMS
DDMS and log results
User Interface
Button and CheckBox
Progress Bar and SeekBar
TextView and EditText
Views(GridView, ListView, ImageView)
Working with Layouts techniques
What is layout in Android ?
Linear Layout
Relative Layout
Table Layout
Frame Layout
Intents understanding
Implicit intents
Explicit Intent
Switch between activities using Explicit Intent
Data transferring between activities using Intents
Role of intent Filters
Intent Filters in your manifest
Data Storage & Permissions
Content providers , preferences
SQLite – Database Usage
Data storage using the preferences
Updating the Data using the preference
Database Operations
Permission Systems

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