
Sunday, 18 October 2015

Web designing courses in chennai

Web Designing & Development Course overview

Web design & development course is a comprehensive training program best suited to those students who aspire to know the front end designing part as well as the back end coding part. Web designing is the task of designing HTML driven web pages to be displayed over the World Wide Web, while Web development process includes Web content development, client-side/server-side scripting and network security configuration, among others.

Our Web designing & development training program has been designed in such a holistic manner that it makes those students taking the course a thorough professional by the end of it. This web design & development course is totally job-oriented with more prominence being given to practical sessions.

By the end of the web design course, the student would have worked on few real-time projects as part of his/her training program & would be able to create any form of web design as his/her final portfolio.

More Details Click Here....
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